Thos. Baker Catalog
Direct mailer campaign for a furniture brand; as Shop Designer at BUNTIN
The catalog introducing a fresh look Thos. Baker’s premium products.
Thos. Baker is a premium outdoor furniture brand based in Oregon. Founded in 2004, it’s purpose has been to create furniture that embraces the soul of the outdoor. They pride in their furniture having a high level of permanence in their customers’ lives.
As a Shop Designer at BUNTIN, I was tasked by the brand team to design a bi-annual mailed catalog that would spark awareness about Thos. Baker’s collections, and perhaps provide a glimpse into how the brand can refresh their visual messaging.
Over the course of weeks, I collaborated with the copywriter to bring to life the title of the magazine. After several rounds of edits to the cover, the team landed on “sun-dial.” The title reflects the year-round usefulness and permanence of Thos. Baker’s furniture, regardless it being day or night. To keep the Thos. Baker brand prominent, the circular type treatment was devised, which also indicates the issue and the tagline of what sun-dial is.